Фотографії Cortile del Belvedere

Cortile del Belvedere по George M. Groutas

The Cortile del Belvedere, (Belvedere Courtyard in English) was a major architectural work of the High Renaissance at the Vatican Palace in Rome. Designed by Donato Bramante from 1505 onward, its concept and details reverberated in courtyard design, formalized piazzas and garden plans throughout Western Europe for centuries.Conceived as a single enclosed space, the long Belvedere court connected the Vatican Palace with the Villa Belvedere in a series of terraces connected by stairs, and was contained on its sides by narrow wings.
Cortile del Belvedere є туристичною визначною пам'яткою, один з Площі в Vatican , Місто Ватикан . Він розташований: 15 км з Рим, 580 км з Naples, 700 км з Florence. Читайте далі
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  • Ця фотографія пов’язана із Flickr на 12.02.2021 21:04
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