Фотографії Баварський ліс

Leg it! The big one is coming ... по The Wasp Factory

As I mentioned in the descriptions of my Bear Cub in a Tree series, the two cubs at Tierfreigelände Lusen are not on very good terms with their father. Male bears play no role in raising young and according to Wikipedia infanticide has been recorded in brown bears, although I am not sure if this also applies to their own offspring. Judging from the very wide berth the two cubs gave their dad they most certainly did not expect a cuddle. In this photo the two little ones were playing on a rock outcrop when they suddenly realized that the big one was coming towards them. With one last glance over their shoulder they clambered over the outcrop and disappeared into the woods on the other side.
Бава́рський ліс — гірський хребет на південному сході Німеччини (Баварія). Складається з гранітів і гнейсів. Читайте далі
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  • Ця фотографія пов’язана із Flickr на 31.01.2019 13:36
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